Pain of someone one with Fibromyalgia is more than you will ever know..we have pain in the fact of some people doubt us....

look into our hearts and our eyes
so it hasn't taking me a long time to realize that this isn't getting read by anyone but that's OK it's for me to get things off my cheat.anyways i have been stressing out lately my sister is staying here but, man my house seems to get dirty so fast grrr.... man do i wish i could get a better house...the habitat want to build me a house on my land but I'm not sure that would be a good idea because.i have a ant problem real bad the have all but reining the trees so i think they would eat the wood away plus the mice here are bad to I'm in the city but lined up with a corn field,i don't know...but any way another thing that has been on my mind is that when i was young two of my children were adopted out i know whee they live and thanks to facebook one of them try's to get a hold of me but m not sure i can talk to him...bc of him only being still in his teens.i just cant wait until the dayu i see them.i feel bad though because there dad has passed away.they wil never get to meet him . he and i wasnt talking but 3 weeks before he passed away he called me. got my number off of facebook. he wanted to ask if i have i had see or heard from the boys i knew of them on facebook but i never talked to them but i could tell them that i knew that they were fine and that they lived close to me. the next thing i know i'm getting a phone call telling me joe has passed away....life is so short.